From the Marae

Kia Ora!
We made it from Christchurch to Rapaki, where we've been staying at the Marae! We started our very first day with the Profity ceremony, where we exchanged songs with the Maori people and had a delicious welcome meal. With no time to waste, we got straight to work! We started off working at a local stream conservation where we sickled and weeded out all the dead plants. Then, we made our way to the neighboring property where we cleaned up the gardens and surrounding area. Our down time was never ending fun. We were introduced to the four family pigs- Jeffer, Ed Sheeran, Spot, and Rosey! I think it is safe to say we have a deep connection with the pigs. We also had a local come in and teach us how to weave flax! Our group had the honor of painting two hand-carved pillars that are going up in the town square as part of a new entry way in the downtown. Much of our time was spent learning about the history and culture of the Maori through guest speakers throughout the week. They told us many stories (versions varied between families) and in-depth explanations on the carvings and woodworking in the Maori building. Being nestled between the sacred mountain (Tepoho O Tamatea) and the water (Whakaraupo) was breathtaking. Whether we were swimming in Rapaki Bay or hiking to the peak of Tepoho O Tamatea, you could find our group with smiles on our faces.
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