Teaching at the Special Needs Education Center

Dear family and friends,

I think I speak for us all when I say our past week in Kitanga was spent with much laughter and many smiling faces. From the work shop to the soccer fields and even the classrooms we couldn’t escape the ecstatic energy and the positive attitudes the SNEC students constantly radiated. Teaching and spending time with these students has provided us with a greater awareness for the social, mental, and physical diversity these children interact with on a daily basis. The courage and willingness of these students to better themselves and feel comfortable in a society that often neglects differences has been has been inspiring to see. SNEC not only provides an education to those that don’t conform to social standards but gives a safe environment and home to those that may not be receiving the support and compassion from their families and friends. The last five days helping SNEC provide a sense of equality for these children has been considered a privilege and we hope to see the future progression of these students and their education.

Nkula Snec 1

Nkula Snec 2

Nkula SNEC 3

Nkula Snec 4