Group Bonding at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

By Reid Cohen

Hello everyone!

Its Day 12 and so much has happened already! We went through our three days of orientation and started to learn about each other’s likes and dislikes and what everyone’s strengths and weaknesses are so that we are able to be there for one another in the upcoming months.

We are learning about all of the cultures here as well! It’s so much fun to talk to new people and hear about their lives. We were lucky enough to be able to go rafting on the Nile River, which for those of us who hadn’t been before either hated or loved it! Then we moved on to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary which was amazing for all of us. We got to do all sorts of fun volunteering activities such as monitoring a couple of the rhinos, Donna and Kori, who both have babies! We also had a chance to learn a hand whistle (which only Eli was able to master) while we learned some basic bush skills.

We were able to take a night walk and see the nightlife they have at the sanctuary. While we helped pull some weeds and paint some poles we were making connections with everyone and becoming even closer as friends. We happened to become very close as everyone except Cari, Lily, and Maddy all had to stay behind during some activities due to everyone becoming sick and throwing up. We definitely saw each other at our lowest point but that won’t make a difference in our friendship!

Jonathan has heard from the leaders that everyone is feeling much better and are ready to head to Kabale!