Gratitude with Attitude [Actually Just Haikus]

Please be warned, my inner poet is not all I have dreamed for it to be, but I really want to put out good vibes to all of the people who have helped me get where I am today. This includes people who are both pre-Carpe in the U.S. and all of the wonderful souls who I have met along the way. I want to thank everyone from all of the people who have made our accommodations so comfortable, to our guides at Ziwa, to Hope and all of the smiling children at SNEC, to the canoe guides at the Home of Edirisa, to Victor, Prince, and Jean who shared their stories at L’Esperance, to my amazing host family and our teachers (love you Beatrice and Placeda!) at the KKKT Lutheran Seminary in Morogoro, to Curry and Luca and all of the heartwarming moments we shared during our time at Ohana Amani, to the intelligent, sassy, and hardworking students and adults at the Boabab Home, and to all of the memories I will continue to make during my last two weeks on this continent.

A haiku for the siblings:

Talking with the locals
The fifth question I am asked
Is about you three

A haiku for my cousins and extended family (for Thanksgiving):

Support pre-leaving
More hugs and stories after
Enjoy pumpkin pie

Some Haikus for Mom and Dad:

Six paragraph mail
Yes, I really do miss you
Can’t wait for a hug

Linda and Charlie
Financially, Lovingly
Thanks for the support

I will come back changed
In both freckles and in mind
Please bring some blankets