Hello from PJ and Tom’s farm! We arrived at the farm on Friday around midday, and will be here until Saturday the 10th for the Blue Mountain Adventure Center. Each day we have been broken up into small groups of two in order to complete daily tasks assigned to us. Day one was pretty rough with the wind and rain but we all chugged on through. The two Adams went down to the hay barn to stack new bushels, Rachel and Parker power washed the dairy barn/horse area and wound up with shit (not a swear word in PJ’s house) everywhere–including the face, hands and everywhere it could possibly fling to. Will and Hank were in the kitchen looking quite interesting with aprons andĀ bandannas. Carly and Eli built a hay box with Jessica, and Justin just continues to do anything and everything. Since then the weather has cleared up wonderfully and we have enjoyed the past two days of sunshine and mild winds as Ā to proven by the various sunburns that have entered into the house. We all wake up around 7 to start the 8:30 work on time, and find ourselves back into the house at about 5:30 to shower and get ready for dinner. The home cooked meals have been refreshing and filling-a much better experience than that in Fiji. Being in the kitchen has proven to be a much more difficult job than previously thought but most seem to enjoy it for the most part. For dinner last night we all took part in a bonfire with the family, which includes three very adorable ginger children (two boys and a girl) and two dogs, Ruby and Holly. We are all enjoying our time here and hope to update you again just before we leave on Saturday.

Much love from the group!

Adam Becker and Rachel :)-