We love the roses, we love the daffodils, we love Sabai 2015

Some final words from your OE team ol'greg and Audrezzy

Dear Sabai, it's Audrezzy here!

Your capacity to push yourself, to learn, to grow, to love, to accept each other, and your crazy OE team has inspired me beyond words. How can I possibly tell you how much I adore you all!?

I am so thankful that each and everyone of you heard the call and signed up for this trip and blessed me with these past 3 months.

You each are a gift to this world, be brave, be yourself, and keep radically speaking your truth and sharing yourself! Even when you aren't sure what your truth is keep breathing and listen deep to your heart





From Greg:


I swear I just saw Emily stumbling over a coffee-less corner curb. And I am pretty sure, out of the corner of my sleep-filled eye, I just spotted Sam starting up a conversation with a veteran from the war. The whispers of yesterday hauntingly tickle the awkward segue into our next adventures, as we grapple joyfully, yet reluctantly, with life’s ever constant; change.


To the Spring 2015 Sabai Krahp Krua, thank you for the willingness to challenge yourself. Thank you for the openness to walk the circles. Thank you for sharing with the world your heart songs, walking gently upon the eARTh and adding your beauty to a planet in dire need of healing. Thank you for choosing us, thank you for choosing you, thank you for choosing Life…


To the world out there following our little blog, our cute effort to share with you a glimpse into the magic that has happened here, thank you for listening, for if the stories are not read, the mythologies die. For as a wise wizard once said, “If a tree falls in the forest, but there is no hipster there to instagram it, did the tree ever really fall?… mmm, mmm, mmm…. Chai, chai, chai….


The greatest adventure of course, is still yet to come. The Hero’s Journey which takes one on the seemingly simple (yet increasingly more difficult than any other of the worlds great expeditions) trek from ones head to ones heART has only just begun, and will continue throughout our lives. Thankfully, we have new tools to help us along this less traveled path and a strong sangha to support us along the way.


As ol’ Greg sits here at the dusty crossroads where the hum of countless motorbikes substitute for the lack of roosters, alarming everyone into a new wild Hanoi day, sipping a cuppa of egg coffee, contemplating a yogurt coffee with weasel poo for desert, I smile secretly, knowing all of us are doing just fine, this world is actually not as destined for destruction as it appears. Oh, we have our work cut out for us alright, but The Miracle of Life is going to go on. Amalia is going to figure it all out! SUPER CHAI. And I think we all will. I think we already have…


Breathing in, I am grateful and confident.

Breathing out, I share what we have found with the world at large…..


Go far, stay long, see deep.




In Adventure,

        Gregory Pettys