Starting With Me

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi I’m sure you recognize that quote, it’s been used an infinite amount of times for an infinite number of different campaigns. Well, I like it a lot because while choosing a place to spend three months of volunteer work, there’s a question between the lines that asks you “What aspect of the world would you like to… Read More

Foreigner’s Room

Considering the amount of time left in the trip, it is natural to begin the whole “reflect on your experience” mindset. So here’s one of my reflection branches on my big-trunked tree of an experience. About a year ago I made the decision to spend my fall of 2015 with Carpe Diem, traveling, seeing the world, and all that jazz; which was quite a monumental decision for a young girl… Read More

*New* Comfort Zones

To stay in your comfort zone is an incredibly comfortable way to stay incredibly comfortable. To stray from your beloved pillow padded lifestyle is the uncomfortable way to learn and thrive, especially here in India. Our Shiva leader this week, Hank, has requested that we each step out of our comfort zones these upcoming days. “If you see a man singing in the street, ask him why he is singing,”… Read More

New Delhi!

Namaste! The Shiva group and I arrived in New Delhi two days ago and have been experiencing lots of unfamiliar aspects of this culture. Within five minutes of leaving the airport, I witnessed an elephant grazing the side of the highway. I am beginning to get used to the gawks and stares of locals and enjoying their spicy food. The Shiva group been happily posing for pictures that the locals… Read More