Mexico’s Finest

Hello all, Through Carpe Diem is the first time I have been out of the United States, and it has substantially been the fastest I have seen my life go by. In a good way… I now reside in Merida, Mexico, the capital of Yucatan, which is a beautiful Peninsula filled with much history and rich culture. If many of you don't know where Merida is, Google it.. Or it's… Read More

Update from QUETZAL

We all survived the second and last week at Bona Fide Farm! Some of us were a little worn out in the beginning of the week, but a couple surprises from Mitch, AKA Earth Mother, made an awesome week. To start the week, Kaitlin, Zach, Byron, Graham, and I went to Santa Cruz beach. A storm approached as we arrived, but that did not stop any of us from swimming… Read More