Inti 2015: El Fin

To all of the families and friends awaiting our ten beloved chicos, We’ve just bid the sleepy, smiling faces of our wacky and wonderful group ‘hasta luego’ at the Lima airport, where they’ve started their long journey home to you. As a few guys mentioned in previous posts, we conquered many a mountain on our Salkantay trek, which rewarded us with spectacular vistas, sore legs, and a final treat of… Read More

Dudeville, South Amenica, Population: 12 (+1)

Lindsay and Topher here, the trusty leaders tasked with guiding you around Ecuador and Peru. For the first time ever in Carpe history, we have an all male group, which we’ve been excitedly preparing for by carrying around 11 construction paper males, and also (and more productively) by brainstorming topics and activities that we think you all will be stoked about. We can’t wait to replace your construction paper cut-outs… Read More

The Bonds That We Created

In Spanish there is not really a way to say goodbye. Nos vamos, hasta luego, hasta pronto, adios…all imply that we will see each other again. The alchemist says that if something happens twice it is bound to happen a third time. In order to ensure this let us set intention to make that second encounter happen. Although this particular adventure has come to an end, view this opportunity to… Read More

Preparations for an Epic Semester

Welcome everyone to latest installment of the Carpe Diem South America semester! Excitement is growing as our departure day quickly approaches for the upcoming adventure. We are here in Portland at spring training, busy getting jacked and tan. Not really. After all, we are in Portland and it is overcast and rainy. Instead, we are embarking on our scavenger hunt throughout this wonderful city. In our typical penchant for goofiness… Read More

Scavengering Around Portland

Excitement is growing as our departure day quickly approaches for our upcoming adventure to South America. Ryan and I (Cheridyn) are here in Portland at Carpe Leader training, busy with preparations. To you amazing 12 students who will be joining us on this adventure, let us know if you have any questions or needs as you continue with your preparations. After three nights of camping in the woods, it was… Read More