Emma, Willow, & Nelyn (Nelly) in Delhi!

First Impressions:
Emma- These first few days in Delhi have been insane, but wonderful. From seeing elephants in the street, to people diving down the wrong side of the road, to crowds of people trying to take photos with us, India is everything I thought it would be and more. Namaste to everyone back at home!
Willow- Everywhere you look there is something new and amazing to see. So far it has been totally overwhelming, but in a wonderful way. Often you see things that break your heart but the next you see something beautifully uplifting and it is all just an amazing display of humanity.
Nelyn- Delhi is definitely a city that never sleeps. People are always going somewhere and or doing something. The colors and the smells are all very overwhelmingly beautiful. These first 3 days has been an amazing experience and it’s something that I am looking forward to facing everyday.
Aum shanti shanti shanti!!!