Kem l̀ā s̄mbạti

S̄wạs̄dī ka,
It’s our fourth day in Chiang Mai, and it feels like we’ve been here for weeks. We have learned, seen, and experienced so much already! Yesterday was one of our favorite days so far; we stumbled our way through a waterfall hike and then visited a beautiful temple called Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. Although we were soaked from swimming in the rain, we all enjoyed exploring the exquisite statues and intricate detail at the temple. To finish off our night, we ventured to a local market, where we all ate a delicious dinner and shopped amongst all the booths.
Today (Sunday), we are tasked with a scavenger hunt (Kem l̀ā s̄mbạti) throughout Chiang Mai and are looking forward to our next adventures!