Las Terasas!

Blog by Sean and Colin

Hola, Hello, and welcome to our 7th (I think) blog!

This week we began our retreat in Las Terasas, named for the terrace like system of agriculture established to create a sustainable ecosystem. We were each placed in our separate bird houses and have enjoyed it so far. Each bird house is 9 feet above ground and requires super human strength to enter.

We have spent our retreat hiking to monuments, massaging each other, and removing ticks that knew no bounds! Although these are all the things we have done together, most of our time has been focused on being alone and reflecting not only on the semester but on our lives as well.

We have learned a whole lot and have experienced a lot of each other. Las Terasas is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in Cuba, and we are blessed to have the opportunity to be here!

Signing off from group Chango
Sean and Billy