Latitudes farewells begin…

Public transportation! We love playing ninja. Coming back from downtown! Campfire fun s'mores and smiles! ninja prep. Our service project donation to Carpe Mundi Willamette River near our retreat center!

Hello again friends and family!

We completed our first service project yesterday, making a mosaic for Carpe Mundi, and even had time to make individual tiles to bring for host families in the field or leave behind to decorate the Carpe Diem office- thanks artists! It was great to take time to meet with Carpe Diem founder, Ethan Knight, and solidify as a community. Today rocked our socks as we continued one-on-one meetings to begin the FVP placement process keying in on interests and talents of students.

We are sensing the dedication in each student and the excitement is building as departures began this afternoon. We took this amazing group photo before splitting up, you can see it on our facebook page: After saying farewell to a few of our new friends, the rest of the group took public transportation together and had an exciting downtown scavenger hunt. Students were paired up to visit quirky stores, eat strange donuts, practice a random act of kindness, and find out facts about Portland. We debriefed the day and celebrated more upcoming adventures around the fire pit and even shared embarrassing stories. It feels so wonderful to spend time together and we can’t wait to start setting up Focused Volunteer Placements!

~your Latitudes Directors,

Simone and Michelle