To hike, or not to hike

Being in Xela has really showed us the importance of planning ahead. Since we´re all in homestays pretty much scattered around the city, the only way to make plans is to make them really early, or else we won´t be seeing each other the rest of the day.

Our usual meeting areas are the school and parque central, which you can see pictures of in the last post.

Last night, we tried a local favorite restaurant, called Guiseppes, a pizza place also known for its ¨safe salads´, a big selling point for us cautious americans. It was so delicious!

Today, we split into two groups. One group is currently on their way down a volcano, while my group just got back from Fuentes Georginas, a natural hot spring about 30 minutes outside of Xela. The ride was a bit scary for me (not a big fan of heights). But i clenched my fists the whole way and it was so worth it. We will post pictures soon, but bascially it was a giant natural hot tub. Me, Katie P, Katie B , Larry and Jonathan relaxed all morning and ejoyed unbelievable views. 
Currently were back in Xela, although a little soggy, and trying to make plans for later.
Hasta Luegoo
Katie Schneider