Uwembe Village

By Ellie G, and LilyDear past family,
We’ve just returned from spending the week with our new families! After the time at Ohana Amani, our gang walked an hour or so to the nearest town, Uwemba, where we were welcomed with open arms and a fantastic surprise party! We shared a yummy first meal with our home stay mothers, and after a round of introductions, we headed off separately to begin the week in this joyful village.

Ben, Reid and Eli shared some quality time scooping goat poop and getting daily ice cream from a local bakery run by the Mission in town. They also had the unique experience of living with eight rabbits and building a coop to house them! As you can imagine, it was a great and smelly week for the three.

Ohana Amani proved useful for learning about farm to table vegetables, but Uwemba proved useful for Hanya and Ellie B. to learn about farm to table meat! They were able to watch their Mama kill a chicken by “sawing its head off.” Instead of deterring their appetite, the two were able to fully appreciate a tasty dinner of chicken and beans. Yum.

Rebecca and Ellie G. had a bit of a different experience. Unfortunately, their home stay mother had to leave Uwemba unexpectedly to tend to her sick daughter at university, however her sister was able to fill in as their make-shift mother. Without the OG Mama to provide them with daily tasks, these two got to chill hardcore and bond over bowel movements.

Maddy and Megan experienced a week in Uwemba “luxury” with a porcelain drop toilet and a backyard filled with various fruit trees and spices. They were able to graft avocado trees, clean out a chicken coop, and learn how to armpit fart around the dinner table thanks to their home stay father. The week was not complete without a few restless nights due to cries from their one-month and four-month old siblings.

Last but not least, Lily and Eve shared a home with an adorable puppy, funny looking pig, and an independent Mama who would literally stick her hands in burning coal without fear to prepare dinner. They were able to plant maize and potatoes, build a chicken coop, and watch Indian soap operas with the youngest daughter of the family.

We are so thankful to Mary for allowing us to be Live Dunia’s FIRST home stay group. We learned so much in this short week and are sure to remember this unique experience with love. It was sad to say goodbye to the Uwemba families, but with such a short time remaining in this adventure, we’re excited to be reunited with our families back home!